
CS Education is something that’s been important to me since my time teaching freshmen how to program robots on FRC 687 as a student. Over the last few years, I’ve gotten work experience as a tutor in the CS field.


From January - June 2022, I worked part time as a CS instructor at FizzBuzz, a CS Education startup. I provided students with one-on-one and group coaching sessions in basic full stack web development. Our tech stack involved HTML, CSS, Python, Flask, Javascript, and SQLite. I guided students through a brief intro to CS and web technologies, and helped students build and deploy their first web apps.


Starting in September 2022, I’ve worked as a tutor for the CSE department here at UCSD with Professor Greg Miranda. I’ve tutored for the following courses:

Fall 2022: CSE 12 (Basic Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design)

Winter 2023: CSE 8B / CSE 11 (Introduction to Computer Science II / Intro to Computer Science Accelerated)

Spring 2023: CSE 110 (Software Engineering)